About Us
At Mercy and Grace Church of God we do our best to stay focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ came to save sinners, and so, we openly invite sinners to our congregation. We are not a very churchy church, we believe that the gospel is a call to come as you are, so we don't stress on outward religious expression. As cliché as it may sound, we truly believe Christianity is about relationship over religion.
That being said, we do hold to a traditional interpretation of God, sin, and the Bible. We believe that the study of God's word is absolutely essential to a healthy spiritual life. We strive to live out our theology biblically, and honor the example set by Jesus Christ. For more information about our beliefs and views, see our What We Believe page, or better yet, come and see how we walk out our faith in person!

Ken Saul
Lead Pastor - Ordained Minister in Church of God

Arielle Saul
Social Media Director

Claire Saul

We are praying for a worship leader
Worship Leader